Sep 29, 2008 23:20
This past weekend was better than the previous one in every single way. I am thankful for that, despite the fact that it would have taken two of that awful weekend to get any worse. One was sufficient.
While mowing the lawn I often think that I should take up ballroom dancing. I've got a bit of that in my blood, I suppose, and think I could dig that.
I am a student attending an institution of higher education and I am temporarily abiding outside of my precinct.
I've given some thought to the idea that I may have the "blood of reptile just underneath the skin." Wikipedia informed me that the term 'cold-blooded' is now outdated, which I like: no creature should be doomed from birth to live with something pumping through them that has a negative conotation. That never seemed right.
October is coming soon to a calender near you, and as such my wardrobe will soon feature a not-insubstantial lineup of Smashing Pumpkins shirts. This year I will be showcasing only those shirts which are specific to the Pumpkins as a group, and will not include pieces associated with side projects or solo careers. Also excluded will be repeats (shirts I have multiples of due to condition issues - the white Gish-era angel and red Siamese Dream-era clown), though the jury is still out on what to do about shirts that are similar but not identical; speaking specifically, of course, about the classic Zero shirts (long vs. short-sleeved versions), the Adore cover shirts (promo vs. tour editions, each featuring different graphics on the back), and the Spaceboy shirts (one purple authentic "tour" version, one black "store" version). The lineup will include local crew shirts and will not discriminate between "old" and "new" Pumpkins - If Corgan and Chamberlin are there and the ticket says "The Smashing Pumpkins" then that's good enough for me (sorry James and D'Arcy). I may also wear a Pumpkins sweatshirt that I obtained a while back, though it will be worn over a Pumpkins shirt and should not be included in the official lineup, as its role with be that of functional clothing like the hoodies and button-downs that will surely be worn throughout the month as well. That it happens to have the band and the MC&IS cover on it will be a "bonus" of sorts.
And with all those ground rules laid out, and assuming my gorilla math is correct, I should be left with a subset of the 46-piece Corgan-related garment collection equaling 32 shirts to wear in October's 31 days - Which one doesn't make the cut?