Feb 07, 2005 20:47
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood... [Jan. 6th, 2005|08:59 pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | Modest Mouse, Ryan Cabrera ]
So I figured I since I just started this live journal thing that I should cover college and this christmas break. Well, so far in college I have met some great friends. This weekend I will be visiting Leah, Jonathan, Lindsey and Catherine (if the last two arent in school already) and we are going to have lots of fun at good old Grand Ledge and East Lansing. During the Christmas break I have been going to the movies and hanging out with Marika, Jamie, and Mike P. New Year's was probably a blast if I had remembered it but I hear it was fun. Big P is so awesome and a great friend and me, Marika, Jamie, and Big P are all hanging out tonite. This break has been a bit weird though. Me and marika and her other friend Jamie have been hanging out with some old friends from high school like R.J., Tim, Dan, Brandon, Christian, and Wes. Marika got a little freaky with Mike S, but that will be left untalked about....hehe....but it has been great. I am becoming a work-a-holic and am okay with it...the first step is admitting thatyou have a problem....for Marika....(I hear your opinion, I am processing it, and discarding the information)....nvm....I am sad to go back to school after being a lazy ass all of this time but I am looking forward to the awesome nite at Harry's this Tuesday....it will be a nite to forget!!haha....Well, thats all for now...I am going to try to make my journal pretty..TTYL