Title: Confessions of a NEET Fujyo
faustusfaustine Overall Rating: PG-13
Genre: Original
Summary: Nothing much, just about a NEET
Notes: I have always wanted to write an original story, but I never had material on it. Now that I did, maybe I should give a shot. HA, so since inspirations don't come to me everyday, this shall be a somewhat, uh, a never ending series.
As the story goes, a jobless girl is currently staying at home, minding her own business, doing her Japanese homework, and suddenly she found an unused facial cleanser sample in her pencil case. She was astonished by her discovery, so she told her mother all about the cleanser.
Little did she know that it would trigger a very ‘therapeutic’ session lasting about half an hour. (She could calculate the time due to the TV show she was multi-tasking to watch)
Of course by now, one would have guessed this session entrails the ever vulgar (to most teens, NEETs and unmarried virgins) N word…
Now, don’t get it wrong, the author is not implying that nagging is bad. Well, it just gets more and more interesting as it dwindles down the path of time.
“Can’t you clear your own facial products in the bathroom, there are so many in there. Do you expect me to clear it? Those are your own personal products; you need to do it yourself! You cannot expect me to do it forever, I will go away someday. I WON’T BE ABLE TO DO IT FOR YOU MUCH LONGER.”
At that point of time, this girl was feeling that nostalgic feeling of irate and frustration because she just purely wanted to tell her mother about her discovery of her adventures in doing her homework.
Of course, leaning on the hot metallic surface of the refrigerator didn’t help much at all. Then, this girl had an idea. She decided to listen what her dear mother has to say, rather rolling her eyes and running back to the sofa. After all, even in a court room, the judge has to hear both side of the story.
Soon, it no longer became an issue of just facial cleansers! It turned in to a totally mind blasting, saliva wasting, passionate, interesting, long lecture about clothes, makeup, papers and whatchamacallit.
Due to the fact that this kind author decided not to torture her readers with the same treatment, she decided to break it down into points.
- This girl always leaves her makeup on the table because she is always in a rush
- Her compassionate mother throws away her own clothes so that this girl can store her clothes because she does not have a room of her own
- This girl’s worksheets are never cleared.
- Her mother totally knows a lot about fashion but never uses her knowledge because she does not need to.
- Her dad is apparently the cause of the larger bottles of body soap in the bathroom
- Her dad is a room stealer
- Her mother is implying that that girl should get her own sanitary napkins.
- Her thoughtful mom only buys noodles from stores which would separate the noodle from the soup
- That girl apparently likes to sleep too much
- Her dad likes to bring old clothes of his deceased brother and expects her poor and tortured mother to wash it.
- Her dad is one of the reasons why this NEET girl cannot go on a proper diet because her dad would force this girl to eat pizzas at 1AM.
- Her dad loves to bring huge and useless speakers back home and expect her mother to keep it in the storeroom.
- Her dad assumes that the storeroom is as large as Doraemon’s pocket.
- That girl is the only one who has a pig sty at her working table.
- That girl is apparently 20 and will have a proper job.
- Her mother assumes that this girl would be so successful that she would meet important people in her life and important people would not be impressed if she had a messy house.
- Her mother assumes that this pimple faced, wide hips, big tummy, double chin, makeupless, manicureless, uncool, no natural beauty at all daughter of hers would not impress her future boyfriends if she had a messy room.
- And as a result, no husband and will become that disgruntled, unhappy, spoilt niece of her mom’s in 10 years time.
- Her mother would keep all of her facial products of hers in the storeroom, until the day she dies…
- And then when the NEET clears the store, she will be in for a surprise of mouldy cleansers and maggot filled toners
See, 20 points to summarize 20 minutes of this girl’s currently useless life.
As the session goes on at about point 15, this girl’s lips are resisting the urge to curl up and burst into laughter. All because she realizes that her mother has run out of things to say that her points start to become ludicrous. So she decided to focus on the almost scalding heat of the refrigerator, her ears suddenly focusing on what the lead in Itazura na Kiss is saying. She let her mind wader around like a free spirited gypsy with no woes, reaching a state of delirium and delusion.
Finally, her mom decided that it was time for a time out and mentally giving her daughter a rather elaborate invitation card, lest her desire for wanting to provide a 20 minute session rises again.
That girl then smiled to herself, and mentally telling her mother (not actually caring if she could receive it), she would be rather willing to indulge herself in this obtuse, mind-dulling session anytime.