Entry #B-6: "Burned"

Feb 02, 2009 19:42

Funerals are so prescribed.

My great grandma was Catholic, and the priest had to look down at his notes to even know her name. > < Also, not that I'm PO'd, or anything, because it was a funeral and not some sort of concert, but I spent the whole service away from my family and by the musicians because I was asked to play a eulogy piece near the end. After the other eulogies, though, that priest moved on without me! I was standing there, instrument in hand, and he just went on with the service! The organ player spoke up (my mom says that a woman NEVER would have interrupted the priest when she was a kid) and I DID get to play, but... seriously. Why is it that I so often get run over like that? I must be invisible.

It was a long day. It went well, considering, but it was a long. Day. I guess I'd like to just make a list of a couple of things on my mind.

1. Dn_contest is an awesome community run by speaky_bean. I have fallen out of writing fic lately (blame RP and school), but I'd like to get back into it with week #45's prompt, "mythology." I'll think about my story tonight and work on it over the next few days. Maybe, after all that writing I've done with RP, it'll be something worth mentioning. Also, there are some great writers in there, and I will be commenting on many many stories in the next few days.

2. I am in a fair number of games right now. I just joined a new multifandom on Insanejournal as L, in which he has already made fast friends with Laura from the Neil Gaimann novel American Gods. It's odd, but they make a good match. It might have something to do with the fact that she sees dark spaces where the stars are, and L sees dark spaces where people are, and they are both fascinated by contrast. I feel like I've gotten so much better at playing L over the last year... I've learned pretty well what works and what doesn't, and when he's allowed to develop and grow, he's a very rewarding character. The game is Mirage, and it has some very good writers; I'm impressed, and look forward to doing more with it in future.

I'm also in a handful of games on Livejournal. Most of them are playful crack, which has a place and can be very rewarding. They remind me not to take RP too seriously, and such a reminder is something the best of us occasionally need. Currently, Foresthill Rehabilition Center is that reminder. The L I planted there is adorably whiny, always upset by swearing, has a cat named after the lumbar region of the spine (due to a plot in which he became a zombie and almost ate Light's), and relates hilariously to just about every other character in the game. He has a tendency to fill out surveys in unusual ways (usually taking things too literally), and he is an all-around joy to play. Not only that, the game also has a lovely Matsuda, Light, and Misa, giving him lots of canon reference points. If you two are reading this, thank you, Heather and Alej. :)

3. School is going well! I love when things are this smooth academically; hopefully, my transfer to MSU will be as seamless. I can't wait for Astronomy class tomorrow, because my teacher is wonderful... but I have to get offline soon, because a composition in Japanese is due tomorrow and I haven't even started it. The funeral took such a huge bite out of my weekend.

4. My mom found out about my iPod touch today. I have had it since September, and purchased it with my own money, so I don't think that there's anything she can do... but I always worry that she'll take away what she would rather she herself had. My father worries a great deal about money, and my mom hasn't been allowed to buy much for herself lately. Here's hoping she won't find a "reason" to deprive me of my little internet/music/movie wonder, and that she won't find out about my TATTOO.

speaky_bean, heather, msu, school, alej, dn_contest, livejournal, light, misa, composition, catholic, foresthill rehabilitation center, astronomy, death note, american gods, spine, ipod, zombie, lumbar, violin, funeral, laura, rp, stupid!priest is stupid, l, mom, japanese, grandma

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