Oct 19, 2007 08:23
I hit my deadline, but there hasn’t been much time to relax since Tuesday. Here’s a quick overview.
First of all, I had to cancel my book trailer shoot over the weekend because the owner of the location was stuck behind the flaming truck pile up on the 5 freeway. I’m in the process of rescheduling but it looks like it won’t be until the second week of November at the earliest.
I did an interview for Publishers Weekly yesterday. I felt pretty good about the written half but always feel a little less confident of phone interviews. I’m always sure that I’m babbling incoherently, but the gal conducting the interview was pretty friendly and informal so I’m probably just being too hard on myself as usual. I don’t know when they'll run it, but when I find out, you guys will be the first to know.
I’m getting implants on Monday. Three of them! No, not breast implants, tooth implants. From what I understand, I won’t be getting the new teeth right away, because they need to do some bone grafting (!) that needs time to heal first. Regardless, I loathe going to the dentist for any reason and this will be all kinds of no fun. I will be stocking up on ice cream, soup, and vintage monster movies. Any hot, chubby girls out there want to squeeze into a latex nurse costume and come over to take care of me? Required duties will mostly consist of bending over to pick things up.
Then, the following week I will be flying back home to NYC to help my dad get squared away to move out to LA. The house is sold and ready to close and all that’s left is clearing out the last of the junk, packing him up and dealing with his two scaredy cats who need to be caught (they are way too shy to pick up, let alone put voluntarily into crates) vetted and shipped to my vet out here for boarding while my dad scores a new pad.
Also, at some point during all this madness, I’m hoping to score another work-for-hire gig and oh yeah, maybe actually find time to work on something real. Imagine that.
money shot,