
Jan 26, 2010 00:01

[a crash of something very heavy - and very full of books - being overturned gives way to the heavy patter of running feet, over the ragged heavy breathing of someone who, for numerous reasons, shouldn't be running as hard as they are right now.]

Se- sebas----

[ciel's voice is high and thin with fear, with a faint rasping wheeze to it. there's another crash of a chair being overturned, followed by the slamming of a door.]


[stronger, now, with more desperation:]

Quick..... come quick....! Sa-

[a harsh voice - grandiose, masculine, mocking - cuts across ciel's panicked plea, booming in the background indistinctly and drowning out his tiny voice. there's a dull thud - body, all fours, on hardwood - and a loud clatter of static, before the voice finds the phone again; this time, closer.]

Save me, Sebastian!! This is an order!!!

pirates!!!, !event: free for all, oh shit oh shit oh shit

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