Last few days

Nov 03, 2011 21:13

Spent the holidays (Tuesday and Wednesday) and the weekend pretty much on my couch and either playing (Dragon Age 2) or watching TV.
I don't think I've ever played so much in a few days as I have then. It was brilliant. I was on a bit of a quest so to speak to play through at least one, but hopefully two games so that I could pre-order The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. However, I am a very slow player, so yeah, have not finished anything. But I've pretty much decided to wait on buying Skyrim until I have finished those two games (probably Dragon Age 2 and L.A. Noir) and hopefully Skyrim will have become a cheaper by then. Might even get it as a Christmas present from my siblings because I know I won't finish my games before then. Maybe I should play through all of Dragon Age Origins rather than L.A. Noir because I think I might be quicker that way. XD

I'm (almost) all caught up on Hawaii Five-0. I think I haven't watched this week's episode yet. But yeah, I felt pretty proud of myself, when I found out that I had guessed Kono's storyline correctly. On the other hand it's a familiar storyline. But still. :D

I think I should keep painting my nails for kindergarten. The kids are so cute. And they were pretty impressed by my nails last week (black with pink shatter nail polish). And on Tuesday I painted them blue with dark blue shatter and they noticed that, too. And since we're learning colours anyway... And they do seem to love the colours. ... I should think up a new game, maybe. Or just play I spy with them or something. Just to change it up a bit.
Oh man, and I have to write a Batman song until next Thursday (or maybe Tuesday). They wanted me to sing one today, but I couldn't come up with anything I was satisfied with. They love superheros in this kindergarten. I always (always, always!) sing the Spiderman theme song with them. They cannnot get enough of that. And a couple of weeks ago I spontaneously (and miraculously) came up with an X-men song (well, a Wolverine song, but they think Wolverine is called X-man :D) that I actually like and the children seem to like it too. That was so great. :)

Maybe you could help me with the lyrics for a Batman song? The words and sentences should be quite easy though... Here's what I've come up with (I'm still not quite happy with it).
My name is Batman
I have a black cape
I live in Gotham
I am the Batman

games, r(andom/eal) l(ife), crazy ideas, kindergarten

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