So I thought I'd try out this meme because it looked fun :)
1. Reply to this post with 'tea', and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee. TELL ME ABOUT YOUR ICONS!!!
I made
swing-set13 pick:
This is my default *hugging you* icon because it's a bear hug. Look at it, look at how awesome it is! That's really all I have to say about this: It's cute and an actual bear hug ♥
Monty Python ♥ God, I love them so much! And this General ♥ For anybody who doesn't know him, he shows up when sketches become too silly and ridiculous and he stops them. Exactly as it says in the icon. It's just so good. Let me see if I can find the sketch that icon is taken from...
Here we go. Just spreading the Monty Python love ♥
This one just speaks from my heart haha~ The image is from some artist...let's see if I can remember or find the name somewhere. Anne something?
Anne Taintor. How awesome am I for remembering her first name? *high fives self*
This icon has some relevance to me, I feel. I don't like cooking, ironing, vacuuming and other things... "Domestically disabled" is a nice euphemism for "don't want to/can't", isn't it? :D
Quote from Cabin Pressure! ♥ Cabin Pressure is a BBC radio play. It's hilarious and you should definitely check it out, if you don't know it yet. Some of the episodes are available on
Youtube. This quote is from...what is the episode called...Ipswich? I think so.
This and Black Books is what I used to prepare for the oral exam for my Practical Phonetics and Communication Skills class. I had a lot of fun studying ;)
This is Lestrade from the new BBC Sherlock. The one with Benedict Cumberbatch (he's also in Cabin Pressure ♥), Martin Freeman and Rupert Graves (see icon) and other awesome people ♥
I wanted it an icon with Lestrade and that one is great and true, because he is a boss. And also, there's this
Sherlock fanvideo which is hilarious :D