Sooooo i finally got my tattoos...
thanks to Tracie and Billy/LIam for their contributions in their drawings that make them think of me
this is what tracie had to say about the one she drew me....
vanchizzle: wow
this is mostly a reminder
sometimes you remind me of a bird. like.. you can fly and the breee will just carry you anywhere and you'r enot bothered about it
but sometimes, you don't make me think of flying. you kinda remind me of a bird who's forgotten he has wings
looking at all the other birds above you and forgetting you're one of them
that you're beautiful too and you can fly too
vanchizzle: shut up
me: really thats beautiful
yup yup it really did make me tear up when she said that....
annnd uhh...yeah as for why billy/liam drew the one for me.....i think he drew it cuz he knows i'm a sucker for hearts...but i'll get the full details behind it later....
but yeah thank you you sexy friends of mine I LOVE THEM SOOO MUCH
P.S. Pandora pwns my future children...thank you veeerrry much tracie...lmao