Enchiridion onkaimeon. The classical pstchomachia...

May 07, 2011 15:26

Enchiridion onkaimeon

Psychomachia of Prudentius
London, Bristish Library MS Cotton Cleopatra C. VIII, Canterbury, Christ Church

"The Psychomachia by Prudentius (Aurelius Prudentius Clemens, b. A.D. 348) was one of the most popular Latin poems of the early Middle Ages...[This manuscript] dates to the late tenth or early eleventh century...The poem recounts battles between seven pairs of virtues and vices, personified as warrior maidens."
Fides (Faith) and Veterum Cultura Deorum (Worship of Old Gods),
Pudicitia (Chastity) and Sodomita Libido (Lust of the Sodomite),
Patientia (Patience) and Ira (Anger),
Mens Humilis (Humility) and Superbia (Pride),
Sobrietas (Soberness) and Luxuria (Indulgence),
Operatio (Good Works) and Avaritia (Avarice),
Concordia (Concord) and Discordia (Discord

The virtues vs the vices.

the classical pstchomachia..

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