How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare (German: ''wie man dem toten Hasen die Bilder erklärt'')

Apr 26, 2011 15:33

How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare (German: ''wie man dem toten Hasen die Bilder erklärt'')

Honey from the HIVE.
Gold leaf. Goldenwasser liquor, felt and salt.
Earth, ochre, Vermillion and lilly stamens to stain the fingers Red Brown abd Naples yellow.
Azurite ultra marine and malachite greeny coller.
Iridium and osmium salts.
All the geophysical ores and hues of the RAINBOW.
Electric blue and violet.
The colour of thunder and lightning.
Therapeutic cornflower Blue brilliant and luminous like the photoluminescance of the deep ocean.
Blue blue electric blue as the thin white Duke once sang.
Meteor metals and  fulgurites.
Bolts from the blue.
Sea and sky blue over the Pacific ocean islands. Cobalt, peacock,flaming blue.

blue spirit

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