I had to cancel the backpacking trip in April. My Achilles are noncooperational, and will be for a few months. According to a reading of the ultrasound, I have mild
tendinosis in the right, moderate tendinosis in the left, and small
bone spurs growing from both calcanei. All I can do for now is go heavy on the cross training, increase hiking slowly, and keep doing the
eccentrics. The physical therapy takes about a half-hour a day; more on the days that I hike. Right this instant, I can't do survey. I can do excavation. If things go as planned, I should be able to hike 6 miles by the middle of March. Maybe I could do survey then, but I am pretty sure I won't. Doctor was good enough to tell me that this was not a career-ender, but I should make hiking a priority and give up any other exercise that could aggravate my Achilles. No more running, and I probably can't ride for a long while (or maybe I could ride without stirrups?). Regardless, the new company is going to call me before the end of March, and I am going to have to tell them I can't work. This sucks tremendously. In terms of later work, I have gotten a few rejections from the government lately, but I did get one referral through the continuous open announcement for a not to exceed GS07 in North Texas. I don't really want to work in North Texas, but I cam going to call the archaeologist and see what the work entails. They seem to be hiring pretty early, so I assume that their funding is set and will not be affected by the sequester. Consequently, it may the the only federal job I have any chance of getting.