Nov 14, 2007 07:21
My father always told me that he'd be happy with whatever I did, as long as I was successful, yet he always pushed college like thats the right path he wanted me to go on. So I took it, like it was the right path to go on. I failed horribly at keeping my head in the game this semester. It was r a bad decision to take classes in the morning. I was told by my brother that it was a bad idea. and it was.
My step mother has been a bitch the whole time I've known her, if she wasnt at the time, a bitch, then she was just bribing me with things., events, possesions that she could later use against me. Bascically, she had mal-intent the whole time, not an asuption, just a hypothesis after making certain observations about her behavior over time.
I over drew my debit card, only because I was told that the money would always transfer from my savings. Thats what they told me, now my credit is in the toilet. I need to know how to rebuild credit, Or else Im screwed forever. I heard it is about consistencey in payments that helps. Thats not the thing that bothers me the most, my dad said that I was never supposed to touch that money, and that it was an agreed fact, between us. Who the hell is he to tell me I cant touch my money MY money. He kept telling me it was move out money, but I havent realized yet how dire it was. HE kept using the term Bum on me. Which he thought bothered me, but it just made me realize how hypocritical he actually was. He doesnt want me to be successful in anyway possible, he wants me to be successful through college. Even though he keeps telling me thats not the case, its his tone he uses when he mentions not going to college.
Abby and I are slowly drifting apart, which really breaks my heart.