Jan 01, 2007 20:54
It has been a very long time since I've updated. Um, not much to say though. Christmas came, Christmas went. It was relatively less awkward compared to last year. Pardon the pun. Thank you to Flagg for the card :)
New Year's was spent at Benson's cabin with the likes of Benson, Carlie, Dmac, Dvoss, Montana, Russell, Wyatt, James, Chelsea and myself. A few randoms were found sleeping on the floor in the morning, surprise surprise...
While sitting outside around a snowhole filled with a RAGING FIRE, Devin M suggested playing a drinking game called Thirteen. Everyone says a number in turn while going around the circle, and whoever gets to 13 makes up a rule that has to be followed or else you have to drink. Pretty straightforward I guess but the third round after half of them went inside was the best of all. Chelsea was too um, we'll say tipsy, to talk; Dmac, Wyatt, James, Montana and I (13 was made first, then I think I did 12, then 11):
1 you instead must say "I am the toughest guy in town"
2 you have to drink instead of saying anything
3 salute me (this was hard for me to figure out at first)
4 "will someone please thaw my thighs?"
5 "heyyy boyeeee!"
6 "pick up sticks"
7 "booyakasha!"
8 "i'm great"
9 "lick my 9"
10 "koo koo kachooooo"
11 "I am a faggot and"
12 "I'm so ready for"
13 "Penis"
What a clever group of people we are.
Um I'm not really sure what else to write about. Oh, I'm taking the Tesol course Andrea took so she could go to China. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Yessss! It is 3 weekends in January, both Saturday and Sunday, from 9am to 6pm. I may die, people. But it'll be a happy death
Hmm back to residence innnn 5 days (if you do not count tonight) and I'm very excited about that. I've been at home long enough I think. The more someone talks about an RA or being one under Lindsay, the more I want to not be one next year.
Love and peace everyone :)