May 28, 2007 20:00
I've lost a total of 4.5 inches, which is fantasmic. I've also lost 10.75lbs. Hooray.
Now I'm going to RANT:
Why is it that when I'm fat dancing, people come into my room and COMPLAIN that I'm fat?
I know that I'm fat. That's the point of fat dancing. It isn't to be sexy it isn't to be cute or cool it's to JIGGLE FAT. ITS FUNNY!
Then, they make the same dumb joke over and over again with no new clever pieces of info. For instance:
Man the harpoons/She looks like a whale/hippo/pig/other fat animal/She belongs at the zoo
You're fat!
I'm from SPARTA!
Kay, wtf? It's mildly entertaining the first time you say it, then after that it just makes YOU look dumb. THANKS for pointing out to me that I'm fat, I hadn't realized, and THANKS for whining to me. "You're fat, you're gross to look at." WELL GUESS WHAT. YOU DONT HAVE TO. "This is like being in hell."
MAYBE this is just me, but if I were in hell and it really sucked, and God was like "Here's an X, if you click it you wont be in hell anymore!" I'd be like "Sweet, thanks God!" and then I'd leave. It would be really awesome!
I mean, are you guys men or are you fucking men? Quit being such whiny pussies and LEAVE if you don't like it. If you MUST be 'TOUGH' then go ahead and say something degrading that you think makes you look HILARIOUS, and then go away. For real.
When I say this to these people, the only thing they can think of is "SHUT UP, FAT BITCH."
Oh, you proved how VERY clever you are AGAIN. Congratu-fuckin-lations.