Jan 12, 2006 21:52

i just can never seem to get LJ cuts to work ('cos im stupid..but not retarded ...) so im gonna write this post and answer the questions in a comment.... :)

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paki_tabz January 12 2006, 22:15:05 UTC
I Am Fat

How much do you weigh? i havnt weighd myself for years, i just dont want to know anymore

How tall are you? 5'4 and a little bit :)

Are you clinically obese? most probably

How much food do you consume in one day? way much more than is healthy

Do you hang out with fat people or are you the fattest one in your group of friends (assuming you have friends)? im the fattest one... all my friends are nice and skinny

Were you always fat? If not, how old were you when you got/started getting fat? Why? (over consumption of food, heredity, etc..) always have been...but when you're little..fat is cute...not when you're 17

Were you the fat kid in school? always was, still am

What are/were some of your fat nicknames? mainly just fatty,chubby...the usual

Are you comfortable being fat? no

What is your most embarrassing fat moment? just fat in general is just plain embarassing

What diets (if any) have you tried, fatass? not eating...its the only one that seems to work for me, but no-one lets me follow it properly

Do you ever plan on not being fat? When and How? one of my life aims is not to be fat, been planning it since forever, have no idea how its gonna be done...gonna need more than a miracle

Do you consider Burger King or McDonald's a balanced or hearty meal of the day? i hate food..all food...

Do you eat fast? yes

Do you put "All-You-Can-Eat" Buffets out of business? all i can eat? i dont like eating!!!

Do you look like this person? i'm fatter...

I Am Ugly

How many mirrors has your ugly face broken?none...yet...because i blindfold the mirror so the poor thing doesnt have to suffer...

How many mirrors do you have in your bedroom? one little one

Do you avoid having your picture taken? yup

Were you made fun of in school for being ugly? once or twice yes

What are your nicknames for being ugly? i wouldnt know..people would say them behind my back

Have you ever looked at Swamp Thing and thought "ditto"?  Swamp Thing is prettier than I

Do you wear make-up? How much and how often? not usually...only wear eyeliner and clear lipgloss on special occasions..otherwise i usually just let my natural ugliness shine through

When babies have to look at you, do they cry? all the time...its like im a jinx....oh no just ugly :D

Do you avoid going places because you are so gross? i think about avoiding places because i am so gross

Do you fail at every attempt to look better? sadly..

Do you ever look at Clint Howard or Linda Tripp and wish you were that pretty? yes

Do you ever attempt to wear hip or modern clothes only to realize that your ugliness overshadows the entire wardrobe? yup...i have some really kool clothes, but no-one notices the clothes 'cos of my face

Are you ugly "on the inside" as well? Why or why not?  yeh, im a really mean person. i try being nicer, and sometimes i can be pretty on the inside, but i think my ugliness is skin deep...

Do you look like this person? i look worse

In your opinion, what makes you so ugly? my face

[submit your photo here]
must i ? :(

i'd rather not... im not even sure i have any piccys...give me some time and i'll find some


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