Have you guys heard anything about 'A Dirty Shame'? I've never been disappointed by John Waters, and I doubt this movie will be any different. I just read this thing in the NYpost saying,
"A Dirty Shame,is O - morally offensive." "Almost non-stop rough, crude and profane language, full frontal nudity, sexual imagery, obscene gestures, scatological humor, casual portrayal and descriptions of deviant sexual practices, a glorification of freewheeling sex and some sacrilegious imagery." Should be amazing.
Anyways, heres a trailer...think it will out do his other classics?
http://progressive.stream.aol.com/newline/gl/newline/trailers/aDirtyShame/A_DirtyShame_knee-deep_700_dl.mov http://progressive.stream.aol.com/newline/gl/newline/trailers/aDirtyShame/A_DirtyShame_knee-deep_300_dl.wmv