Today was hhhhooootttttt! And it's not even supposed to be summer till next month! Where did spring go?? It peaked at 39.8deg today lah. Madness. I was out bringing the clothes in and I was so tempted to jump into my neighbour's pool. I told my mum and she said yah, I should and then say it was 'cos I fell in. Haha. Okay the deal with this is 'cos the fence dividing the back of our houses fell like almost a month ago. The insurance people are supposed to come fix it FAST 'cos houses that have pools are supposed to have higher priority as they are afraid people will fall into the pool. Hah. What a joke. Their fast is still slow lah. I should have just jumped huh? Haha man, today would have been the perfect day to go to the beach lah.
Oh wells, it's all good 'cos anyways I saw this video of Wade Robson. Woot! You gota turn up your volume quite a bit 'cos it's pretty soft. I don't know why. But it's worth it man! Lookie here!
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Brilliant hey? I would have loved to have danced that man! Wade Robson's da bomb! Haha okay off to edit a bit more of the boi's essay and head to bed! Ciao bellas!