Hohoho. I made shepherd's pie today and we had it as part of our dinner just now. All thanks to Cliffy's super duper introduction and because my bro was saying he didn't get to try it the previous time. Heh. It was yum!
Look good? Huh huh? ;)
Anyhoos, exam results are out! And okay lah.. got more or less what I expected. So that's good enough. I'm happy!! :D Thank God I didn't just get a pass for IMC. Woot!
Ok will update soon again with more peekatures of lovely lovely clothes I've been washing my eyes with online. Heh haven't really been doing much, but I need to send in my resume to the rest of the companies tomorrow! Lazy to do it now.. Heh. Typical. Okie, teeeeveeeee time! :)