Timeframe: Varies, but all after ROTJ
Characters: Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Leia Solo, Mara Skywalker, Wedge Antilles
Summary: Series of drabbles, posting five at a time.
Notes: Part of the
Third Drabble Challenge
Luke leaned back into the chair. Placing the portable tactical display in his lap, he turned it and his comm headset on. His duty for the day would be directing starfighter tactics. He strongly preferred to be out with his pilot friends in a cockpit, but the military put him on the bridge for this battle.
He called for readiness status from the six squadrons in the starfighter bay and pulled up tactical data for the ISD Raze and her starfighter compliment. Once the pilots finished their role call, Luke sent them his data.
“All fighters launch in five, four…”
Engine Room
Han keyed open the door to the Falcon’s engine room and was pushed back into the corridor by the billowing smoke and oppressive heat. “Chewie, the fire suppression system isn’t working!” He heard the Wookiee growl a reply and twenty seconds later the heat and smoke decreased as the environmental safety protocols came back online.
The two spent the next two days repairing damage to the engines and wondering how a fire had started when they were in a planetary orbit traveling at half speed. Regardless of the cause, the two agreed on one thing: Leia would not be told.
Leia looked around the sickbay of the ship to ensure that it was only patients and medical staff at this late hour. This was a habit she started back in the early days of the Rebellion. She never felt of too much use during space battles, but she could go see the injured soldiers afterward and let them know how much she appreciated their sacrifices. The only problem was she now had to do it when no one was around so that others would not mistakenly think she was playing a game of politics by visiting the sick and injured.
Mara Skywalker enjoyed the chaos around her. Moving in between officers on her way to her X-wing she did not let the pressure of another incoming attack bother her. It was here in frenetic environments that she operated best. She had dedicated decades of her life of taking advantage of distractions to reach her mission’s goal, and today would be no different. Minutes later she launched her fighter and easily slipped into position to the side and behind Luke’s X-wing. She felt her husband reach out to her in the Force and she grabbed hold ready to wage war together.
Shuttle Bay
Wedge sat in his cockpit musing how this part of the day used to be his least favorite. When he was young and waiting for the launch signal he would be chomping at the bit to get out into space. But years and maturity had changed his opinion. He treasured the calm before the storm and took advantage of every second he could in order to quiet his nerves and ready his mind and reflexes so that he and his pilots could return whole and healthy.
He heard the command come through and flicked to the Rogue Squadron’s frequency. “Launch.”