Well, right after my very excited/enthused post some crappy things have come about. First I think I'm getting sick. I had an awful migrane last night that put me in tears. The headache continued to today which made work extremely fun (well, dancing to that one song was fun, but thats about it). Also last night the remote for my new TV ripped a key from my laptops keyboard, woohoo! I went to my mom's to get my motorcycle fired up, but she had taken the garage door opener to work with her, sweet! I came home and passed out for like 4 hours, which means I'll have a hard time sleeping tonight. Oh and when I went to do my practice for the night (violin that is) my E string snapped on me. Oh and that extended warranty plan I bought, dosen't cover strings! Fuck yeah! Well I should have read it better. However it will cover damage done of the wood breaks. So now I'm debating smashing it and bitching about it. Well, the dude who sold it to me was really nice though, I guess I'll see if it's cheap to get it fixed. I need to get something to hold the tuning pegs back, the damm things slip so easily, I play for 10 minutes then tune for 5. However I did make some progress in discovering all the notes that can be played on it. I was excited when it didn't sound absolutely awful. Oh and I think my TV's S-video is bad, it's giving me weird picture when I watch DVD's on it. There are some crappy things going on and I am pretty lonely, but I've done alot of crappy things to people (no, not to Mel) so I see this as my punishment more or less. Besides, it's not like I hate life, I just want someone to rub cocks with...wait, what?
In better news I snagged tickets to two very exciting events coming up. One is for this Friday's Monet Exhibit at the Cleveland Museum of Closed for 12 years, or art for everyone else. The best part is it's paired with a performance from the orchestra! Sweet! Info can be found here:
http://www.clevelandart.org/exhibcef/monet/html-pop/43019241.htmlAlso I got a ticket for another very exciting event:
http://www.clevelandart.org/educef/viva2006/html-pop/6401906.htmlThat definetly looks interesting and I'm very excited to attened. Also theres a performance of a portugese singer in the next two weeks. I am very shocked that an internationaly famous recording artist is coming to Cleveland. Heres something she's known for:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFMMlap9-YM Anyways, heres looking forward to better things, hopefully my bike will be running by tomorrow evening!