Am I too late to ROCK THE VOTE?!?

Oct 17, 2005 11:01

You wouldn't know it to read it but I actually update this journal every day.  I'll be driving to work or sitting at work, or driving to school or sitting at school, or driving home or sitting at home (sometimes I even squeeze in time to go to the bathroom) and I'll start writing an entry.  Of course I do this all in my head, not the driving or sitting or bathroom part, rather the writing an entry part.  The thing is I actually picture myself typing it, I'll read it out loud to myself, check my grammar (I'm horrible with comma splices), and revise my sentences so that they are more clear / more clever.  The weirdest part of the whole ordeal is that after I'm satisfied with how it sounds I imagine hitting "submit", ok that's not actually the weirdest part - this is: I then conjure up reader comments in my head and my responses to them.  This whole process takes anywhere from fifteen minutes to an hour, after which I usually eat an entire chocolate cake and forget about actually typing anything since I hate doing things twice.

And before you ask, yes, I did the same thing with this post two days ago.
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