Feb 17, 2004 14:01
So, another birthday weekend has come and gone. I had a nice, calm weekend with Jess, spent a lot of money at dinner(s), and then had my sporting heart ripped from my chest.
IM exchange this morning with Patrick:
drivel, drivel, wrestling chat, drivel...
Me Wait.
Me Never mind.
Patrick I didn't say do that at work, you can wait till this evening.
Me I forgot to give you this:
Me Fuck you. I'm not talking to Yankee fans today.
Patrick Ha, talk about a shock.
Me I told you: Fuck you. I'm not talking to Yankee fans today.
Patrick It's too bad the Sox management was cheap.
Me I didn't even talk to Jess on the way in to work today.
Patrick Damn, that's bitterness.
I got a bookshelf, a few DVD movies, and a little bit of cash for my birthday, along with some fAtkin's bars and a clipon light for my laptop (I hate not being able to see the keyboard during late night porn binges, this way I can see where I need to wipe off). The DVDs consisted mostly of serious teendrama addictions. I got season 2 of Dawson, as well as the Series Finale. I'm such a TV Fag, but I love that shit. I'll be first in line when The OC Season 1 comes out on DVD.
Friday night entailed dinner and drinks at Anthem, a "new" bar in Boston. It's "new" in the sense that it's been there a little while, but none of the regular crew had ever been there. I thoroughly enjoyed it. They serve deep-fried twinkies, which nearly made me shoot a load in my pants. I was seriously anti-fAtkin's this weekend, since it was my birthday and all, so rather than starting carbinging on Saturday like I had planned, I started Friday. The pork that the Cousin got was also a highlight, but I also enjoyed the potatoes au gratin with bleu cheese. From a food standpoint, I give the joint an A-, since their Cubans were a little on the weak side judging from Chad's sandwich. Another nice effect is the temporary tattoos they leave with the bill. The Cousin found a pair of ... creatively inappropriate places to apply hers, and then tried to put one on Buja's forehead. Buja needs to take more showers, or invest in better facial cleanser, because his head was too greasy for the thing to stick, and it just slid off like an egg on Teflon.
After dinner was over, we all went downstairs to the bar so the Alcoholix could get their drink on. Anthem's downstairs consists of a nice, expansive lounge area with a multitude of couches and other comfortable seating, as well as a well-stocked, expansive bar. We set up shop at a grouping of couches as the drinkers went up to make an order. When the entire group reassembled, it was apparent that the section we had was nowhere near large enough to accomodate a group of our size. The Cousin noticed a large round couchbooth and we all headed over there. On the way, however, we found something that launched the downstairs bar at Anthem into the top 5 on our pantheon of drinking establishments: a VIP room. Immediately, this room was appropriated for our entertainment. It was nearly soundproof, as Shannon so kindly demonstrated by dropping n-bombs at louder than normal volume while a black guy was sitting right outside the door. Judging from the fact that none of us were victims of muggings or drive by shootings that night, I'd say the double-paned glass was quite effective. Photos were taken of the group, during which time the Cousin showed off her tattoos to Shannon's appreciative comments. Once we figured out how to work the flash on the camera, I performed a small experiment to test the flash's effectiveness, and took a passable cooter shot on the Cousin, which led to what I believe is the comment of the night:
Cousin: Get rid of that picture!
Me: Hell no! That's funny stuff.
Cousin: I don't want anybody looking at my nasty, hairy crotch!
I didn't have much of a comeback for that one. Honestly, what needs to be said at that point?
Jess and I left shortly after that, because we had to go look at houses early on Saturday. Which sucked, because while we saw a bunch of nice stuff, it's looking less like we're going to be able to afford it right now. I think maybe rent for a year, and have a solid plan to save as much as possible for a year before we buy. That way, Jess will actually be able to contribute something, since she damn well better have a job by then...
Bleh. Fuck the Yankees. Fuck ARod, and Fuck Derek Jeter, that fag.