Nov 18, 2003 16:21
Alright, so for once, I'm going to be serious here, but not entirely.
Over the last few days, Jess and I have been having a series of disturbing conversations about the near term future of our lives. The wedding is still on, so don't jump to that conclusion. The problem is that CW Post/LIU, which is where she's going to school for her MEd, so she can be a teacher, has decided to bend us over and stick it where the poop comes from. Jess is going to be a ways away from her degree next July, when the wedding is, which really shouldn't be that big of a deal. We had planned on sending her to a few classes here at, say, BU (or Harvard, etc. Boston doesn't lack for good schools) and just have those classes transferred to CWP so they could stamp her diploma. However, that plan has been shot to shit in a big, big, big, big way. CWP has decided that they're only going to allow 6 credits to transfer towards a Master's program. Starting January 1. This still isn't the worst. This sucked, but we talked about it, and Jess could just take the Saturday classes they've got and go back to Long Island every weekend for a year or so. Fine, not the greatest situation, but one we can work through together.
Then CWP drops this bomb: Also as of January 1, they're not offering weekend classes. Well, we're starting to get screwed here, kids. Looking around, all of the MEd programs in the Boston area limit transfer-in credits for people who plan to matriculate and get their degrees from that school to 2 classes worth. So, basically, CWP is saying that Jess has to give up the last 2 years of work she's done for her degree if she wants to get married and move to Boston. This is not cool. Jess is upset about this, as am I.
So, here's the quickie rundown for those of you with ADD and can't see where this is going: Jess and I are still getting married next July, but it doesn't look like we're going to be living together for quite a while. The current plan is for Jess to stay on LI after we get back from the honeymoon and load up on summer classes and as many credits as she can stand in the Fall. If she's 6 or fewer away from her degree at that point, she'd move to Boston sometime in January. I'm not thrilled about this proposition, as it seems to be a very non-standard marriage. I'm not sure I want to start the long life together that I hope for in such a fashion. Gimme some feedback, bitchaz.
On to the less serious (and frankly, pretty funny) stuff...
I was in a meeting this morning with my boss and a couple of other people. One of said people is flamingly homosexual. Captain Browneye is driving a project that I've just been assigned to. I ask him to please explain to me exactly what he needs me to do, since from what I see on the project requirements, there is absolutely no need for a developer to be involved. Mr. Phil O'Biter looks at me queerly, then looks at my boss, grabs his date book, slams it on the table and huffs out, saying, "Paul [my boss], we've talked about this over and over for months! If you're not going to give me a developer who knows what he's doing, this is a waste of my time, and I'm not going to stand for it!" As he's leaving, his shirt sleeve catches on the doorlatch, and tears his shirt. He's already upset, and now he's just destroyed clothing. Queenie starts to cry and runs off down the hall in a spastic fashion, similar to Mike Myers in his "Philip the Hyper Hypo" skits on SNL. It's one of the funniest things I've ever seen happen in the office. I turned to my boss, completely unable to speak, and he just tells me to go back to my desk and pretend this meeting never happened.