Hey Friends,
I had an idea for a game that I've decided to create. If you have time and feel inspired, please feel free to send me any feedback you might have either positive or negative. All is welcome. Leave a comment here or email me at pyroccd@gmail.com
Thank you.
Here are some initial design ideas for the card backs.
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That's right. It's me, Aaron Shapiro. I searched google for "shingler's lisp" to see if that joke had caught on and it looks like it's had a few hits. And you're right there in the vanguard of the new humor, so thanks for spreading the word! I hope I'm not the "heroin addict" you heard it from, but it is my joke and I know it's mine because I made it up at the lake. Feel free to tell it everywhere, because you've got such a way with jokes that they might fly after spending a little time under your wing. Just saying hi, I was really pleased to see my joke somewhere but now it all makes sense because you're my friend and so it's therefore not gotten so very far from home.
Oh, and here's something that's not a joke. Don's getting married! January 14th, Huntsville, Alabama. Can you believe it? Way to go, Don. I just know he's got to be over the moon about this. Brady's the best man, so if you have any notion of going you might want to talk to him. I'm trying to go, as well. And that's all, I guess. Just wanted to let you know that I know you shared my joke online and I found it flattering, and maybe wanted to clear up the idea that I was ever a heroin addict. Wasn't. It's still a dream of mine but honestly, where do those people find the time?
p.s. Of course I can't be sure if you still check this particular "livejournal" of yours, but if you've abandoned it for good I want you to know that I'll never forgive you for not reading this.
p.p.s. I liked the idea for the Straight Face game and will tell my sister about it, she loves that kind of thing. Good night, buddy.
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