Apr 23, 2003 12:05
Have you ever had the worst day EVER, nothing goes your way, people yell at you, drinks spill on you, sad secrets revealed and much much more but then when night comes, you finish an amaizing book and all your problems just skidadle away. poof. all gone. If you're looking for a book like this read "Memoirs of a Geisha". its about this geisha's life and you get to know her so well and it's just increadible, the way she speaks in the book, her conclusions about life and i dunno it's just really really good. i wanna find a new book. a twisted one where you really get into the authors head and inside you fins a colorful swindle of mixed macaroni. Macaroni, spaghetti, noodles, pasta hahah so many words for different shapes of the same stuff. i hate and love when good friends know when you're upset even though youre not acting it. it shows that they know you very well which is good but sad cuz i dont want them to feel bad or worry or even think about why ur sad cuz it wont change it but maybe it will, maybe people who are having a bad day, week, or month just need someone to know how they really feel and some support and it will be much easier like a jumbo weight lifted off of your shoulder. but ive always felt that weight in my stomach, like a big rock that just sits there and makes you all blehish. if any of you know a good twisted book that you could reccomend to me then please do so. the end