Dear Feministe mods:

Sep 10, 2010 08:47

Re: your recent royal frak-up (TW for fat shaming) and your decidedly tepid response:

The point

Your heads

The resulting responses are nice and affirming, but it frames fat acceptance as a debate, with two opposing sides and middle ground for compromise. As a result, now we still have people arguing utterly useless and derailing arguments like "butbutbut it's all about heeeeeaaaaalth!"

There aren't two sides to a question of whether to treat everyone like a human being worthy of respect and dignity. If you think there are, or if you insist on framing an issue as if there are, you have no business running a site that calls itself a safe space.

Supposedly at some point there's going to be a post about being nice to the guest posters, inspired by the angry comments to the original post. I am so not thrilled about being told to be nice to someone who is clearly not interested in returning the favor, but in telling me to put down the baby-flavored doughnuts and exercise. I'm really disappointed in the mods for not vetting the guest poster more thoroughly, and for insisting that she was acting in good faith.
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