Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this costume is supposed to be easy but RAWR MATERIALS I AM WORKING WITH.
I hate sewing a curved hem on leather. Which, by the way, I extremely lucked out and found a ton in my garage so it was free XD. I still need to add the straps to the leather part.
I hate sewing thick heavy fur. And making circle skirts out or them.
I've never gradient dip dyed anything before, so this skirt was all trial and error for me. The orange didn't turn out as dark on top as I wanted, but I got over it since it'll be covered in beads and stuff anyways. And the process took forever, but it was really fun!
The boots, I COULD NOT FIND THE RIGHT PAIR ANYWHERE so I settled on these I found at fashion district, and added white fur to them.