(no subject)

Aug 02, 2006 23:59

I just finished my nightly routine of watching the Daily Show followed by a hit of the truth from the Colbert Report.

The Daily Show was pretty standard today. But what really got me thinking today was the guest on the Report. It was this woman who had written this book called "Get to Work", instructing all women to get out of the house and be independent, productive, and a constructive member of society. Her thoughts were that women should not be only the ones to take care of children. I agree with this. She says it's a joint responsibility between both parents to raise the children. I agree with this. She woman said that women should want more than to be homemakers.

Now, if you are familiar with the Colbert Report, then you know that he means the opposite of what comes out of his mouth most of the time, and is very tongue-in-cheek. The interview went on until Stephen said "Isn't it wrong for you to want women to want what you want?". Basically, this woman had the idea in her head that all women should want to get out of the house and wanting to be a homemaker and wife is the wrong choice. For someone who said she was a femminist, which I thought was about women choosing what they want to do with their lives rather than being forced into something, she said there were wrong choices that women could make in their lives. I really can't wrap my head around her logic, and I'm getting dizzy even trying to articulate it here.

How can there be a wrong choice when it comes to raising children versus working, versus running an oil company, versus being a lawyer, etc.? Is there some sort of absolute morality that exists that I'm missing here? As long as people are happy with their lives and don't infringe on the rights of others (I'm trying to be as vague as possible here), I don't give a fuck what people do with their lives. If a woman wants to stay at home and raise her children, who has the right to tell her that what she wants is the wrong choice? If she wants to be a professional and leaves her kids at a daycare centre each day, is that the wrong choice as well because she isn't spending that part of the day with her kids? I don't know what credentials this woman has in order to make such assumptions on what the lives of women absolutely should consist of.

You can't force people to want what you think is best. Thinking like this is nothing but an exercise in futility. Stephen was actually trying to reason with this person, rather than being the "pundit" that he usually acts like, but nothing was getting through. I hesitate to call her a "nazi" because using something as terrible as the Third Reich to allude to an interview I watched on cable television, or any other situation that doesn't deal with actual Nazi's, would be ridiculous. (PETA: Fuck you!) So it will suffice to call her a "bithcy fliggergibbet".

People piss me off. She should be knitting me a fucking sweater.
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