(no subject)

Jan 27, 2006 00:33

Dear Liberals, New Democrats, Green Party Supporters, Independents,

Yes, Harper and the Conservatives won the election. Not by much, but they pulled it off.

I have some words for you: Stop Whining.

People are acting like Canada is on its way to hell in a hand-basket. "In: New government Out: Civil liberties, rights and freedoms" says the tag on one person I have on MSN. This individual, and many others, have the notion that Harper will change what Canada stands for, by first taking away same-sex marriages (which he openly expressed that he is against), then start on things [sic] like the rights of women to vote, inter-racial marriage, the right to assemble, the right to free speech, etc. "He is overly USA friendly!", "He will privatize our universal health care system", "He'll ban hockey and maple syrup and make us listen to American hits instead of Celine Dion!"


One man can not, I repeat, CAN NOT change Canada. He won't. He doesn't have a majority government. He can't. If things take a turn for the worse, there are people standing in his way. 64% of Canadians didn't vote for his party. That's why I love our democratic Canada. There are all sorts of ways to tell the people in charge just what a fucked up job they are doing. That's why there was a non-confidence vote against the Liberal minority. If Harper and his cronies start to take away our rights and freedoms, do you think he'll be able to without a public out-cry? Of course not.

It's taken this long to make Canada the great country it is, and I think it'll take a little more than a leader people think is a douche-bag and more than a few months to send Canada on the downward spiral people think we're on by electing a Conservative into power.

If you are unhappy with what is happening in Ottawa, tell your MP, that's why they are there. To serve Canadians. If that's not enough, join the party that most fits your personal ideals. Hand out fliers. Go door to door. Who knows how long this government will last? How long did this minority government last? What's done is done, and those of us who didn't vote for the party that is now in power just has to deal with it, and work around it, to achieve together the Canada that we want.

What's most important is that you form your own opinions. Don't just jump into bed with a party and follow their agenda blindly. Nobody is 100% Liberal, or 100% Conservative, or 100% NDP. There are issues which you may be liberal about, but others you may have a more conservative stance. In the words of Chris Rock: "Anybody who makes up their mind before hearing the issue is a fucking idiot".

And that's all I have to say about that. Right now, anyways.
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