And I said no, no, no!

Oct 06, 2011 05:55

Hullo fellow fats! Long time lurker, first time poster. One day I'll get up the nerves to do an OotD post, but for now I wanted to post about something that's very near and dear to me.

I happen to be a major superhero fan. I love superhero comics and superhero cartoons both equally. Now as some of you know it can be tough being a woman who likes superheroes, but when it comes to superhero products once you add size onto it it can be kind of a nightmare. Especially when it comes to companies who pull stuff like this.

""If you're a Big Boy, or you think you're a Big Boy, or you're shopping for a Big Boy... or if you're a woman mistaken for a Big Boy, then you've landed on the right page!"
if you're a woman mistaken for a Big Boy
if you're a woman mistaken for a Big Boy

I'll just let that sink in for a moment. This is a website that doesn't sell "women's clothes" in a bigger than XL and in the 2-3x section the only reference to women is the ones who are "mistaken for a Big Boy"?

I'm not going to try and speak for anyone else this next part is all me, but I'm not someone to be mistaken for a "Big Boy." I’m just a larger woman who happens to love superheroes. A larger woman who’d really like to own some t-shirts that express this. And what do I get for it? I get a website (one that proclaims itself the “ largest friggin’ superhero store on the web, baby” I might add) that apparently thinks it’s fine to showcase that not only can I not shop in the Women’s section, but that I apparently don’t need any respect either? Because that's how it makes me feel. Disrespected and frankly people can disapprove of my size all they want, but darn it I deserve the same respect as any other person on this planet.

I've already sent them an e-mail so I'm curious to see what their response to it it. I've never spoken out about this stuff before so I'm a little wary.

I hope that this is an okay thing to post, it's just something near and dear so I really wanted to spread the word around. I've already posted about this on my Tumblr too.

Edit: The wonderful clover_elf_kin dropped a comment on their facebook and got an answer.

" Just to clarify things, this statement about "big boys" is on our 2X, 3XL shirt page It was merely our attempt at being funny. Last thing we want is to be taken literally or to actually be held responsible for what we say. We were hoping it would be self evident that the 2XL and 3XL shirts, especially the 3XL shirts, are freaking huge. You could probably fit 7-12 normal sized women in one of our 3XL shirts. Personally, I've been mistaken for a girl countless times, growing up. And that was with just my hair. Put me in a skirt and heels and it just totally messed with guys heads. ...but I digress."

Now I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm pretty sure that just made things worse not better. Seriously? "You could probably fit 7-12 normal sized women in one of our 3xl shirts"? I mean really?

what the hell?, disgust, dealing with rude people, rants

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