International No Diet Day flesh mob dance party! (San Francisco)

Apr 22, 2011 23:15

Mods note:  If someone who is involved in the organizing posts this, please use their post.  I just wanted to share it, if it's not been otherwise posted.

I saw this on Facebook reposted by Body Positive, and thought it should be posted here too.  Marilyn Wann is the organizer, although this post was by someone else.

International No Diet Day flesh mob dance party!

You're invited!

Friday, May 6
near Embarcadero BART in San Francisco
People of all sizes welcome!

We'll be (briefly) interrupting a speech at an "obesity" conference given by the "expert" who got BMI categories redefined lower (among other unpleasantries in his long career).

I'm creating a funk/dance version of the old song, "Heads, shoulders, knees, and toes." The new words are, "Chins, bellies, hips and ass!" The moves are pretty obvious - no need to learn choreography. I'll email the song to anyone who's able to join in. You can bring your own sassy/nerdy/fly style to the dance and have an exhilerating good time.

Are you in???

Email Marilyn Wann:
I'd love to see some of you lovelies there.  I will do my best to make it, although a weekday afternoon makes it tricky.

organization, haes, west coast, fat girl love

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