Trying To Find Fat Positive Media... For Men

Jan 15, 2011 23:34

My beautiful and handsome boyfriend is also fat. He's in the mid-300s, but he also happens to be 6'5. I think he's at a good weight and wouldn't want him to be much thinner than he is (though I will love him no matter what his body type).

The problem is, he has incredibly low self-esteem. Nearly as low as mine was before getting really into HAES and Size Acceptance. It's only really become an issue lately, but I want to share some resources to help him change his idea of what beauty is and begin to accept himself as he is and not long to be thinner and feel he is ugly because he is fat.

However, most of my Size Acceptance resources are very female-centric.

Like many of you, I've gone about changing my aesthetic perception by sinking myself into photos and videos of big, confident, beautiful women, and realizing that my body shape has nothing to do with my attractiveness, as those women's body shapes have nonthing to do with their size or shape. I would really like to try to find some similar material for him, but most body positive sites tend to be very female-centric. My guess is that since society is so much more strict and openly negative toward the female figure, body-positive sites and resources have become more vocal against the oppression of the female form, because the "male ideal" is far more flexible than the "female ideal." But the "male ideal" still bothers him, as well as quite a bit of fat shaming from his peers over the years. Sharing my fat-love resources doesn't have as much impact on him as they do on me since he has a harder time connecting to them. He loves fat and curvy women and he loves being able to share a larger-body love toward women (as a bisexual female, I've also found myself being more attracted to more body types than I was before becoming active in FA, and we enjoy looking at photos together) but it's harder to find more fat-man media, fetishistic, pornographic, artistic, or otherwise. I think being able to find this type of media would help my boyfriend's self-esteem as it helped mine.

What I am wondering is if anyone could provide me with Size Acceptance, Body Positive and Fat Positive sites that contain visual media that are gender-neutral or male-centric.

ETA: Thank you everyone for all your help and suggestions, and a big shout-out to all the fat guys!

gender, men's clothing, inspiration, fat dating, emotional health

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