Clothing Quirks?

Oct 30, 2010 15:12

What are your "rules" for the clothing you wear? Are you picky about something that no one else would notice?

I was thinking about my wardrobe and how I like things a certain way.
  •  I try not to wear sweaters that are made out of acrylic and/or wool. I will check the tags of everything in the store before I even pick something out.
  • I can't wear normal t-shirts. They come up too far on my neck and drive me crazy.
  • I try to wear long-sleeved shirts, but I tend to push up the sleeves almost as soon as I put the shirt on and I don't even notice I'm doing it.
  • I've tried to wear watches in the past, but they come off almost as soon as I put them on. I don't like anything around my wrists.
  • Collared shirts and I do not get along. I've tried wearing them, but the collars come up too high and bug me.
(I wasn't sure how to tag this entry.)
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