A delurk and a question: looking good in sensible shoes...

Oct 29, 2010 11:17

Hi there. My name's Rebecca and I'm a now former list lurker. Unfortunately I do not have a camera yet (hoping to have one soon) and am just starting to have some snazzy clothes to share.

About me: I'm a horror/fantasy/sci fi/erotica/fat positive screeds writer semi-trapped in the body of a government paper-pusher (I say semi because I've actually managed to publish six stories so far). I live in the San Francisco Bay Area with my sweetie, and I'm one of those fathletic types who walks an hour a day, can carry my own groceries but still doesn't fit society's "narrow" model. Clotheswise I run between a 2x and 3x depending on the piece, and prefer flowing/romantic/somewhat modest to a lot of the form-fitting styles that seem to be "in" today. My favorite recent discovery (thanks Mom) is these guys:


Natural fibers, good prices and sizes up to 3x. I have two of the Deidre dresses and want more. Apparently the stuff wears like iron, too.

ANYway, I have a somewhat unusual fashion problem. Basically, I walk everywhere, which means that I am either in my black athletic shoes or in plain black walkers all the time. I get nasty foot pain from less supportive flats, and just plain can't walk in heels; also, right now I can afford about one good pair of shoes every six months period. I have tended to either dress plainly to match my shoes, or dress in ankle-length dresses and skirts to draw attention away from my klunky footwear. If anyone has any other suggestions for either hiding or prettying up my single pair of shoes (on a very tight budget), I'd appreciate it.
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