Jun 17, 2010 22:28
I've been a lurker in this community for a long time, so I feel a little funny about my first post asking for help for someone who isn't even me. I have a wonderful fat-friendly doctor, but my sister has been living in Montgomery for several years now and hasn't been able to find a doctor. I hesitated over making this post at all, but I have seen a few similar posts, so thought I'd give it a shot.
Someone who believes in HAES principles would be great, but she'd settle for someone whose answer to every medical issue isn't, "I think you should lose weight." A good example is that the only advice she got from the first two doctors she saw about what she was pretty certain was a sinus infection, was that it would be easier to breathe if she weren't so heavy. The third doctor, reluctantly took a sinus x-ray and realized that she had a massive infection, but even with that doc, it was a fight. She'd just like her medical concerns to be treated as serious issues that might possibly exist independent of her weight.
If there's an office with a nutritionist who places an emphasis on healthy food, rather than on weight loss, that would be a plus as well.
Thanks in advance for any help that anyone can offer. The lovely ladies here, have helped me through many a bad day, just by reminding me that even when it seems like nobody believes fat people can be pretty or fashionable, that there are people out there who are both, and I can be one of them.