Fats and chiropractic care and political correctness...

Jun 02, 2010 18:17

I am disabled and suffer from chronic pain - fibromyalgia and other problems...and problems that cause acute pain. This weekend I ended up in the E.R. because of well...a catching terrible pain in my low back (butt). They did X-rays and then told me I had a strain and gave me a small amount of painkillers/muscle relaxers. I still thought some other treatments could help me...namely chiropractic care. This place claimed in the brochure that they treated fibromyalgia.

When I showed up no one was there and I had to wait.  This was their lunch time, so I thought nothing of it. The only seating area in the waiting room was terrible wooden benches which didn't make sense to me for a place that treats pain related issues.  So, the entire visit was weird...and they asked a bunch of questions. Then the doctor hems and haws around asking me if I'd considered gastic bypass, which is none of his business but I gave him the general answer I have for this: My insurance won't pay for it.  Then he proceeded to tell me that he couldn't really do much of anything  for me because of my size ( if you are wondering I'm at around 385-390lbs.) except put blocks under my pelvis for five minutes while I laid on my back. At first he wanted to try it for 3-5 times and see if it worked. Then he decided 5-8 sessions would be better. So, basically he wanted to milk my insurance without really helping me. Screw that. I ask enough of Medicare as it is...and I don't have the time or energy to drive up to the place for five minutes of laying on my back. I haven't been to the chiro in a long time...but when i did before I was around 300-310 lbs and they had no probs doing my adjustments. I feel I've been discriminated against...and could use some fatshionista cheering up.

As if all this was not enough...he asked me about my primary care doctor. She's Chinese and her last name is Weng. He asked me if she or her husband was "oriental". ORIENTAL! I couldn't believe it. What kind of doctor talks like that? I mean..."oriental" refers to things from the orient..like an oriental rug...NOT PEOPLE!!! Sheesh.

Anyone know of any fat friendly chiros in the Austin, Texas area?

Here is a goofy pic of my husband and I:

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