[Mod Announcement] Salesapocalypse!

May 06, 2010 20:53

What follows is a collaboratively-authored missive from the fatshionista mod team.

It may or may not surprise you that the moderators of this community are of differing minds as to whether sales posts belong in fatshionista. We have gone back and forth over it over the years, and the last compromise amongst the moderators and membership relegated sales posts to Fridays only. Despite our different minds on sales posts, all of your moderators have agreed that we will be putting sales posts on hiatus as of May 14th. Frankly, we need a break from sales posts and the frustrations that come with them.

We will continue to debate the possibilities around sales in Fatshionista. The community has never gone dark. We've swelled to nearly 7,500 members over the past few years and it is our intention to keep the community on track with its original goals and intentions. We will be using some of this time away from sales to consider if/how sales can fit within a community like Fatshionista and what would make handling the sales posts easier for both the community and the moderator team. We anticipate revisiting this issue in the coming weeks.

We understand that this will seem like a tremendous shift. We also understand that many of you rely on sales posts for income and access to lower cost fat fashions. In an attempt to make this decision a bit more palatable, we have set up a sister community where you will be able to post sales posts until we come to an agreement about where to go next in terms of sales within the community.

fatshionxchange will be unmoderated for the time being and not subject to our normal sales post rules. We know that this will take adjustment but this is just temporary while we reevaluate sales in the community. We hope that, despite the lack of moderation and rules, that sellers will craft posts that are just as easy for buyers to peruse as our rules attempt to do.

fatshionista sales posts will go on hiatus after May 14, 2010. After that point, all sales posts will be rejected from the queue with a note reminding you of the change in rule. All sales posts will have to go to fatshionxchange after midnight PDT May 14, 2010.

Promo posts that highlight fat friendly events and fat friendly small businesses will remain in the main community on Fridays only (no change in rule here).

Thank you for your patience while we work to make Fatshionista better for all of us.

[As an additional note from me personally: this is not up for debate. Also, a word to those who only participate here for the sales posts: there's no need to comment alerting us to your imminent departure from this community. You do not need our permission to leave, nor do we need to know you've gone. Allow your absence to hang in the air like the faint perfume of a long-lost love. We will write poetry about you and remember you fondly that way.]

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