Tags, Swaps, Shoes

Oct 03, 2009 12:09


I have three things. First of all, can there please be a tag for swaps? I asked if anyone was interested in a New York Swap and I don't even know if it ever made it to the community, let alone able to find it and look at responses.

Second of all, I still want to do a swap. I need some stuff for work desperately and also to purge all this stuff I don't wear!!!

Thirdly and most importantly. My feet suck. I have no arches and my ankles are weaker than...

My ankles are weaker than... (Where's Dorothy Szbornak when you need her?) limp spaghetti.

ANYWAY. My Physical Therapist prescribed better shoes, and I will tell you exactly what she wrote in case that means anything to any of you:

I need shoes with: arch support (duh) and I have "posplanus" OH that just means flat feet!

OK! So that's all I need except that I've been having real trouble with my ankles so maybe low boots is what I need. I don't know... I feel like crap and my feet and ankles hurt almost all the time, even when wearing my converse or doc martens. Maybe the arch support's all I need to feel better.

Here's my question: What wide (or double wide) shoes with arch support do you like,are pretty, affordable and can wear with dresses? I don't think clogs are so good for ankles, do you? I LOVE the look of a dansko but don't know how my ankles will like them. ankle docs are ok but they're awfully 1993. Granted, I wear them and like them but sometimes I want a look a little more NOW.

New Yorkers: I remind you- I really want to swap! Especially for shoes! I have a pair of those trendy new round bottomed shoes that because of my ankles I regret buying. They were really expensive so I'd consider swapping for some shoes that help me feel better.


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