Jun 28, 2009 22:25

ok, i know i posted earlier today... but i so have to tell you all this story!!!!
i have never done anything like this, and generally i feel pretty awful about the way i look, but this was a huge victory for me today.

so, after an evening of bowling with some really awesome friends of mine, we went out to get ice cream. we ate our ice cream, paid and were just sitting around talking after and being silly. there was a really jerky girl and guy sitting at the table across from us that kept making rude comments about people all night. diagonally from us, there was another table full of guys.
all of a sudden my friends and i got on the subject of celebrity deaths (obviously... this week farah, MJ, ed mcmahon AND billy mays). so- being a huge fan of mama cass, i obviously defended her when my friend said she choked on a ham sandwich. she overdosed, unfortunately, and just happened to have a ham sandwich pumped out of her stomach... people just assumed she choked because she was fat, which in my mind is absolutely awful. so, after i defended her, the guy across from us goes "yeah and i bet you'd like to have a ham sandwich in your stomach too, fattie". so my friends look at me, and obviously i'm angry... we all decide its time to go, and i waited at the table for them to leave because i was so mad. i wanted to like stare this kid down or something. my friends got up and hurried out, then the (cute) boys at the table diagonally from us got up. after they got up. i got up and grabbed my water and threw it on the kid. i then said "F***k you. I'm BEAUTIFUL." and walked out. When i got out of the restaurant, my friends clapped because they saw the whole thing through the window AND!!! one of the really cute boys from the other table told me he agreed with me and gave me his number! i was so happy i almost cried!

i usually don't feel very good about myself on a day to day basis, but... i really am starting to believe that i'm beautiful, and i'm also glad that i stood up for myself because chances are... i'd just go home and cry about it, but i didnt!

so, i hope that this inspires some of you the next time someone makes a rude comment about anything, not just your weight. you all are beautiful people!!!   
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