How should I have handled this?

May 07, 2009 16:51

I am wearing a pretty cute skirt today, because my 6 year old son has a school concert in about an hour, and I wanted to dress up a bit (OOTD pics will be posted tomorrow). There is a park across the street from my house, and the school bus drops my son off from school in front of said park. So while I am standing there waiting for the bus to pull up, I hear a kid at the park yelling, "hey, big tits!" I ignored it, mostly because I was completely shocked. He then proceeded to yell, "hey you big tits in the black. Big Butt in the pink" This went on the entire five minutes I stood there waiting for my sons bus. I have never had an adult say anything like that to me, let alone a kid, and I was just completely shocked and disgusted. I didn't turn around to look at the boy, but I am guessing that he was about 12 or 13.

Like I said, I just ignored it. What would you do in this situation? I was feeling pretty humiliated. I know how to handle myself with an adult with a foul mouth, but I really didn't know what to say or do, since it came out of the mouth of a kid. a bratty, foul mouthed kid, but a kid nonetheless.

I am sure that if I had been dressed in my normal jeans and a t-shirt I wouldn't have had this happen. I am proud of myself for not running right home and changing my clothes. At least there's that.

advice, dealing with rude people

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