drownophelia said i might get some support over here.

Dec 19, 2008 09:34

i'm finding this hard to talk about.

i usually don't.

i guess i'll start with what happened, and then try to explain how i feel.

last night, on the way to a party, my friend and i stopped at a streetlight. there were four frat-ish looking boys on the corner. they started laughing. i had this uncomfortable feeling that it was about me, but i'm usually paranoid, so i tried to ignore it. they laughed harder. they pointed. they took a picture of me. and then we sped off.

i have never felt more humiliated, i don't think. or ugly. really, guys? am i really THAT fat and THAT ugly that you feel the need to take a PICTURE of me while MOCKING me?

i can't stop thinking about it. i think i'm on somebody's myspace page with the title fAtTeSt BiTcH EvEr or something.

i feel so dirty. why would you do that? why the hell would you do that?

i'm overreacting, i feel like. but this was so sizeist and so humiliating...i don't even have the heart to get angry about it. i almost feel like i deserved it.

hi! i'm reba. and i'm usually not this whiny.

disgust, dealing with rude people

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