1. So, last night, I had a really highly sensitive situation occur while I was on duty in my building. Because of confidentiality issues and general gossip control, I’m going to have a separate entry about that for people who don’t go to this school. All in all, it did nothing to really calm my nerves and I got a record three hours of sleep last night.
2. I went to the White Plains Kinko’s today, and I guess the God of Prints shined on me today because the color copier that I was working with gave me 11"x17" COLOR PRINTS FOR 10 CENTS EACH. Usually, they are almost $2 each, so this was, like, an act of heaven or something. You’d better believe I made a zillion prints of everything I have. Especially those little chibi fuckers. I have so many now, I could use them as coasters.
3. I had a really interesting history class today, where we watched D.W. Griffith’s Birth of a Nation. For anyone who hasn’t seen this film, it was made in the 1920's and is basically the first revolutionary film to incorporate techniques that were brilliant at the time and that really reflect how film has developed as an industry and a craft today. However, it’s also horribly, horribly racist. Your standard white people painting their faces black and getting beaten and the theme revolves around how the Ku Klux Klan will resolve all of our nations racial, social, economic, and political problems by getting rid of the black people. Yeah. Really racist. The good part of class was when the professor said something to the terms of, “You know, what I’m going to say isn’t going to be favorable to a lot of you, but I can’t help notice that in this class, when we were watching those first few scenes of the film, the ones checking their voice-mail to see if someone left them a message on their cell phone or the ones who left the classroom for a pee break or the ones who had their heads on the desk...they were all caucasian.” OHHHHHHHH MANNNNNNNN. Also, looking around, there were, like, three minorities in the entire class. Hmm.
New art. 5. Oh, my hair’s black again:
6. So, this guy who commissioned me at AMA is talking to me a lot lately about his ex-girlfriend because he’s having me draw this picture of them together, which, in essence, is sweet, but in the big picture, it’s really creepy and sort of sad. I feel like I’m just, like, part of the bad news he’ll have to accept someday. I seem to have issues with men who commission me for work where they either a) some sort of REALLY BIG problem with the illustration (remember InuYasha/Metal Slug dude from Katsucon?) or they try to get very friendly with me and tell me all their personal stuff that they should probably keep to themselves. What help am I gonna do? I just want to draw you pictures. I have no advice. If I did, I wish I would tell myself something useful.
7. I’ve had to work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of the past three weekends, which has sucked a lot, but now I have all my weekends free. Thank the lord, because this weekend is karaoke in New Jersey. Mmm, Jersey karaoke.
8. I just took $300 out of the bank to go to Epcot in October. It will be so much fun, but...yeah, that’s a dent in the account. I suppose now that I’m probably not going to be going to Japan in December, I can save up now for the trip in June with
quoththeraven. Plus, if this guy from AMA doesn’t get his commission straightened out really soon, I’m going to be really poor. For some reason, my boss at the theater, like, thought I graduated or something so she took me off the list of people who can work. ...what? So, I had to set her straight and now I’m not going to be working for the entire month. Fuckin’ A. At least I have another Orientation check to look forward to (the last THANK GOD). So, I’ll be taking donations for the Help Katie Get Through Depression fund, thanks.
9. Yeah, I’m pretty depressed. Am I masking it well? I’m trying hard, believe me.
10. Tomorrow I have a therapy appointment for the first time in a couple years. I guess when you get three calls in one day from three different counselors telling you that they heard from three different people that you need to talk to someone...it’s a good clue.