.Labor, yo.

May 19, 2003 21:21

So, I finally sat down to work on my costume for Ani. I feel like a geek^2. But, nevertheless, it's going fairly well, I just need a hand needle so that I can gather the sleeves and do the interfacing on the collar, because I don't trust machines when doing curves.

I'm pretty tired, actually. Went to Tokyo House for my interview before realizing that I had arrived when they were taking the break between lunch and dinner. Then, went to the fabric store again (the one that JJ worked in and had such a lovely time doing) and got a zipper, some thread for The Mom Machine, and a pattern for the jumper-looking thing that Robin wears on the show.

Yeah, Kizzatsran, I have enough left over to make the coat. Will I actually make it? Highly unlikely.

Anyway, made dinner with The Mom Machine and my stepdad, and it was very peaceful and domestic, in a non-feminizing way. Homemade waffles are fucking good.
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