The difference is that they BOUGHT the poppies while you STOLE that Qur'an....

Apr 25, 2011 15:37

Ex-soldier jailed for burning Koran in Carlisle

A former soldier has been sentenced to 70 days in prison for setting fire to a copy of Muslim holy book the Koran in the centre of Carlisle.
Andrew Ryan had previously admitted religiously aggravated harassment and theft of a Koran from a library.
The 32-year-old, of Summerhill, said he had been "shocked" watching a Muslim burning a poppy on Remembrance Day.
Shoppers and schoolchildren witnessed the burning, outside the old Town Hall, on 19 January.
Shocked! SHOCKED I say! And there were even CHILDREN there! Can you believe it? CHILDREN Watching idiots burning bits of plastic. *gasp*

Look, I can understand people getting upset about some idiots burning poppies. And of course it is right to express your anger at that symbolic act. On the other hand, what normally happens to poppies after they've been bought? They end up in the bin. And of course they have to be bought first.

So while the Muslim extremists made a purely symbolic statement which had purely symbolic consequences, you've made the mistake of upsetting other people too (and most likely not even Muslims either).

It's probably worth noting that the Muslims involved in the poppy-burning incident were fined for it. Plus they are no doubt all on terrorist watch lists now.

Sitting at Carlisle Magistrates' Court, District Judge Gerald Chalk described it as a case of "theatrical bigotry".
'My country' He said: "It was pre-planned by you as you stole the book deliberately.
"You went out to cause maximum publicity and to cause distress."
Ryan struggled with security guards in court after the sentence was passed.
While being handcuffed he shouted: "What about my country? What about burning poppies?"

About 10 people were in court to support Ryan, and as they left the court they shouted "do you call this justice?".
After sentencing, Insp Paul Marshall, of Cumbria Police, said: "This incident was highly unusual for Cumbria as we have such low levels of hate crime in the county."

Would I have agreed with the koran burning if the book hadn't been stolen? Well, it'd have made a more interesting comparison to the poppy burning event. However, both events would have been on pretty much the same level. I can't really say that I approve of either of them.



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