Jun 29, 2005 20:34
OOMMMGGG... too much to post about all the time!
Well had a concert tonight.. thats why i wasn't here.. i haven't been here since sunday night really.. Anyway, was AMAZED at the amount of teachers who decided to watch and join in.. it was like amazing! My PE teacher came up and teased me and ran away as well.. childish behaviour ;)
Well.. had this rehersal thing! Going well when *click* all the lights go off.. we ask them to turn it back on and we got a 'we wondered whether you can see without the lights' as a reply.. well hello! We're in my school hall! On the stage! Which is black! Of course we cant fucking see! >_<
So.. an hour break.. so i went to the nearest pc.. which is in the maths rooms! So went and logged on.. went to click on the internet button to go on webmessenger and NOOOOO! They haven't configured the internet on that pc since some git *cough* broke the network. Damnnn! *wishes i didn't break it even more*
Concert went ok, some yr7s spoilt it and i hit one at the end.. thats about it.