
Dec 22, 2007 21:24

Man, I need to catch up in natter at the so I can post there, but the SO's penguin arrived! It is supercute, and much taller than I expected. It looks like a penguin, but all its penguin parts are also functional. You press the eyes to open it up and put the CO2 cartridge in. You rub its belly to make the horn pop up so you can put the glass carafe in. And then, when all is prepared, and you have tap water magically ready to turn into your choice of fizzy beverage, you press down on its beak, several times, until he whistles, and you have seltzer!

Yesterday I drank the plain seltzer water and the SO mixed it with his mango juice. Today we made orange soda. It is very exciting and we've been telling all our friends about it and we want to take it on the road with us. I wonder if they'd let us bring it into restaurants. Hee.

Anyway, thanks for the rec, whoever it was originally, because it freaking rocks.


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