My week

May 13, 2005 14:43

So yea, my week has had its ups and downs.

So Monday I was delivering a pizza in the area of 15 mile and Little Mack over by Baker College. So I was making a right turn off of Golden going west on 15 Mile and a guy in a Trail Blazer flew by me doing atleast 75 in the 45 zone there. I watched the light at 15 and Little Mack turn from green to yellow, and than yellow to red. Just as it turned from yellow to red, there was a guy in the intersection turning left to go north on Little Mack and that guy in the Trail Blazer ran the red light and hit the car turning head on making his car go into the Marathon gas station parking lot and the little caviler back into the turn lane. So, being the good person I am, I stopped to see if everyone was alright. So I went upto the caviler first to check and the driver was hunched over his steering wheel unconscience with his wife and two kids screaming in the back seat. The other guy was alright. So as im helping these people get outta their car the fire department showed up. They told me to give them some room. So I went back on my ohter delivery. Just be the curious person I am, i went by the sceene again and the fire department was giving the guy CPR in the middle of 15 mile road. Seeing that guy die there made me feel so bad because I feel if i would have helped him first, he might be alive today. So that made me feel crapy for the rest of that day.

So the other day I was online to see if I got my finicial aid award yet. First off, college is gonna cost me $6300. So i was looking and I saw I got a 2000 dollar grant from the state of Michigan plus my 2625 dollar loan, so now i am only looking for about 2000 to cover the rest of my tuition and my books.

Friday - Work 6-10
Saturday - Work 11a-9
Sunday - Work 5-10:30
Monday - School 9am-3pm than Work 5-11:30
Tuesday - Off
Wednesday - School 9am-3pm Work
Thursday - Off
Friday - Work 6-10 than going up-north
Saturday - upnorth
Sunday - upnorth (coming back???)
Monday- coming back from up north to be to work from 5-11:30

So comment if you wanna hang out sometime!!!
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