Jan 15, 2006 15:44
there are no happy endings - an ending cannot be happy... there are only happy MOMENTS, and, because they do not last, they must survive in our memories... but even memories can change...
however, we all feel that these moments are worth living for; even dying for; sometimes, killing for... and so, we do this so we can have our memories, and share them with those we love... even though these memories are not perfect, we enjoy sharing them and reliving them over and over again, because in the end, these are all we really have - our memories, and our friendships...
even so, sad as it is, friendships change and evolve... as with everything else, life changes... therefore, for this new year, i resolve to remember what i can, and look forward to spending as many moments as possible with the people i love, even if they cannot or do not return that love and friendship...
this is my pledge for the new year, and for as many years as i have within me to share with you all...
in closing, i send this to my live jnournal, but i also send it to all of you who have touched my life (through e-mail - its all i have) personally, for even if i have not had opportunity to tell you this, i tell you now... I LOVE YOU
Sic volvere Parcas (so spin the Fates)