omg hi2u

Jul 09, 2008 12:48

Do people still use this dang thing.
I forgot about my dancing chicken hes so cute yess he is.

Anyways so got into a car wreck, while sober, fucking animals are mences and rember to fucking run them down and not swerve to miss them. Deffintly not IN THE CURVE O DOOOOOOOMMM

you know the curve if you eevr been down willow springs road. Yeop so truck and laptop both dead but good new ipod is good and alive. I dont think you can grasp how important my ipod is it is my back up of files that i wish never to loose hehe,,,hehe..hehe Yeop other then that who still uses this thingi.

Oh oh oh umm lets see what else since im bored.  Lest see Nancy Beezy a kin o mine on my Bissi side of the family ntoe how my grand dad got the name bissi while the rest of his family save for his mom got the name beezy got to love old school getting your last name off the boat style. But her daughter Shoshana's is having a Bat Mitzvah (for you goyims thats the time when our favorite bear no longer likes em)and or a female version of bar mitzvah) Ive seen most of that side of the family once or twice during family reunions. So i dont think ill go but ill send a card what more yah want.

Also been havign very odd musical chocies her recently odd indeed RIlo kiley i love it i do it is good
Ive allways had a thing for female singers(mainly cause they are females)(what you expect some deep meaning or some such shit)(and what does all the  () mean anyways and why am i useing them in my free thought writing style (free thought meaning lazy) (hey no one asked you)(fuck you all its called Stream of consciousness writng) (ok who let the art fag in)... anyways umm..

on anthor note watch i love the ending
also ont hat note best fucking super power ever

see what i did there
i know you do anyway peace
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